Critical thinking and Reflection

Module Learning

It has been 13 weeks since the start of this module in Critical Thinking and Communication. Everyone was tasked with writing their Self-Introductory letter, and one of the main points was to set two goals they wished to achieve during the span of this module. My goals were to have a calm mind and to strike a balance between thinking and presenting myself. Now, while I may have been a commander during my NS days, it does not mean that I was good at presenting myself or being able to speak loudly and clearly. Through this module, I have progressively gained more confidence in my speech and presentations. I have even overcome moments of freezing at times of panic and can confidently maintain eye contact much better than at the start. 

Another valuable lesson I learned during this module was about the PEEL and Paul Elder Frameworks. Granted, I have some experience with using PEEL from my Polytechnic days, but I was not able to properly apply it, especially since the last time I used it was in 2016. Honestly, I am glad that it was reintroduced into my life, and I have no doubts that it will greatly help me with any future report writing and the IWSP in the years to come. As for the Paul Elder Framework, this is relatively new to me, providing a fresh perspective on thinking in my life. Concepts such as accuracy, precision, implications, followed by confidence in reasoning or fair-mindedness are just the beginning of this framework, but I believe I will be able to apply it in the future.

Project Learning

As I was elected to be the group leader, the hard part was choosing team members I could work with. I honestly am not sure how this came to be, but I had to take control of the group. I chose familiar faces and a new one for my group. Although they are my friends, I still did not fully know how well we could work together, causing me to feel the need to step up into the role to meet deadlines and answer any questions they might have. However, with an open mind, the group managed to get on track with what we needed to do, especially since everyone has other commitments and back-to-back projects this trimester. Although we had a slow start, through good communication using Telegram and Discord calls, I can say that it was a rollercoaster experience. I can honestly say that this was a very positive experience for me as everyone was very responsive and willing to help out as a team. Even though we might have had to rush some things from time to time, I am very proud of my team.

The project included an oral presentation, which was one of the few things I actually disliked doing due to my anxiety whenever I stand in front of a big crowd. Through this presentation, not only did I manage to overcome my anxiety, but it also helped me experience a sense of achievement in doing so. The fact that when I started this module, I was afraid to speak out or present something, now I can say that I have acquired the confidence to stand in front of people and actually be able to present instead of freezing up. I truly believe that this has changed how I perceive things, and I am sure that this was a positive experience for my team as well.

Finally, my experience with this module in Critical Thinking and Communication has a big impact for both myself and my studies. From setting early goals to learning the frameworks like PEEL and Paul Elder, each step has contributed greatly to my development. Through trials and accomplishments, I've gained confidence in my abilities and a better grasp of effective communication and critical thinking. I am grateful for Professor Blackstone's direction as he made each class engaging and a lesson that I actually look forward to. He is very knowledgeable about this module and friendly in all of his classes. I can honestly say that I am excited to apply what I've learned into the near future.


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